Documentation CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM OUTCOME OF THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM – OUTCOME OF THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS Ahmad Aziz Dear sir There is need to make judiciary accountable under independent and non political institution.Appointment of judge’s should be non political through examination under independent commission for the appointment of […] Owen Sammut Remove any reference to God or religion. Shaun Camilleri I would like the current system of giving two seats to the party that fails to obtain a certain number of seats as it is undemocratic. Also Parliament should not […] Vince Buhagiar I would like to put forward my thoughts regarding one of the most important subjects of all times. I know that our constitution is based on the right of the […] Alessandro Gauci I suggest that: – Malta will not have a religion bound to its constitution. – Safeguarding the landscape, historical and artistic patrimony of the Nation should be taken seriously. We […] Peter Barbara Nixtieq li il President jigie mazul mil poplu u ikun indipendenti min kull partit politiku,il partiti ma jihdux semm fighja. Michael Micallef Nixtieq li fil Kostituzzjoni jidhol id dritt ghall-kuntentizza (right to happiness). Anthony Degiovanni Il-Kostituzzjoni ghanda tkun kemm jista jkun ibbuzata kemm jista’ jkun eleganti, semplici u qasira. Ghandha tkun rarita li dan l-instrument ewlieni jkun imbaghbas. Meta jkun hemm zvilupp importanti sabiex jinterpreta […] Christopher Briffa Membri parlamentari ghandu jkollkom limitu ta zmien kemm iservu fil-parlament dak ta mhux aktar min 2 legislaturi. Barra min hekk il parlament ghandu jkun a full time job b’ pagi […] Carmel Falzon (1) titnehha l-monopolju taz-zewg partiti billi l-membri parlamentari jigu appuntati minn Malta kollha fuq kwota nazzjonali u mhux lokali. Dan jiggarantixxi li tinfetah l-opportunita li membri independenti jew partiti zghar […] Nathaniel Falzon Jiena, Nathaniel Falzon, student tal-Ligi fl-ahhar sena qieghed nissottometi xi siggurimenti u ideat li skoprejt matul l istudji tieghi. Nemmen li d-diskussjoni dwar il-konservazzjoni tal-ekosistema u id-diversi elementi naturali ta’ […] Claude Vella Bonanno Nemmen illi fil-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta ghandha tigi mharsa l-hajja sa mill-bidu ta’ l-ezistenza taghha, iggifieri mal-koncepiment sa tmiem il-hajja b’mewta naturali u li l-ebda persuna ma ghandha tinterferrixxi fil-process naturali […] Carmel Falzon (1) Il President jinhatar direttament mill-poplu u preferibbilment ma’ jkunx politikant. (2) Il-Forzi taz-zamma ta’ l-ordni jkunu taht ir-responsabbilta tal-President u dawn ikunu jridu juru verament l-imparzialita u mhux jimxu […] Randolph Spiteri Jien nemmen li l-kostituzzjoni ghandha titbiddel fejn mehtieg. Haga wahda nistenna, li ghalkemm jinbidlu z-zmienijiet m’ghandhomx jinbidlu l-principji taghna l-Maltin. Il-barranin ma jdejquni xejn li jigu jahdmu u jghixu hawn […] Thomas Briffa Il kostitizjoni ghanda tinkludi moratorium fuq large scale land reclamation fuq il bahar ghal ragunijiet ta spekulazjoni, bhal bini ta appartamenti jew villel. Ukol , moratorium fuq zvilup fuq ODZ/agricultural […] Frank Psaila Gozo’s Constitutional Status Gozo’s constitutional status is somewhat nebulous as the Constitution of Malta of 1964, today’s supreme law, affirms in its sub-Article 1(2) that “The territories of Malta consist […] Francis Grech Nemmen li għandu jkun hemm dixxiplina b’saħħita fuq l-amministrazzjoni tal-finanzi publiċi. Nemmen li l-ebda gvern m’għandu jkollu l-liberta assoluta li jagħbi ġenerazzzjonijiet sħaħ b’piżijiet finanzjarji li ma’ jifilħux. Veru li […] Christian Peregin Hi, In light of the rise of social media, I believe Maltese people should have rights that have to do with data and advertising in a way that defends our […] Andrea Gatt Nemmen li hemm bzonn ikun hemm tibdil fis-sistema elettorali tal-pajjiz. Meta Malta giet moghtija il-kostituzzjoni mil-Inglizi li kienet tinkludi is-Single-Transferable Vote din kienet intiza biex ikun hemm pluralita ta’ partiti […] Michele Tringali Bħala riforma għal kostitużżjo ni tagħna proposta tiegħi ħi princpju ta’ sovranita’ Maltjia ħi INVIJOLABBLI KIF UKOLL MINN SUGGETTI ESTERNI (EŻEMPJU UE JEW MAŻŻJONIJIET MAGĦUDA) Il kostitużżjoni ikun fgarantixxi drittjiet […] John Bonello Nipproponi t-tneħħija tal-lingwa Ingliża minn ilsien uffiċjali. Wasal iż-żmien li nkunu kburin b’dak li hi tagħna u, bħal f’pajjiżi oħra Ewropej, inkunu kburin l-ewwel bl-identità nazzjonali tagħna imbagħad b’dik Ewropeja. […] Matthew Joslin The Maltese flag should retain the GC as it is a testiment to those who have up their lives for us to enjoy our freedoms. It is also one if […] Alan Castillo Proposed change : Total deletion of Article (2), ie removal of any religion reference. Martin Bugeja Haga tajba li c-cittadin ordinarju ghandu l-opportunita’ jesprimi ruhu. Ma tantx ser nehdilkom hin: 1] Il-President ta’ Malta u tal-Maltin ghandu jigi elett mill-POPLU MALTI u mhux mill-Prim Ministru! 2] […] Rita Carmela Grima Nixtieq li kieku il-kostituzzjoni taghna tirrifletti u ssemmi valuri li jissemmew bhala taghna l-Maltin l-aktar ir-rispett wiehed lejn l-iehor/l-ohra u lejn l-ambjent, id-diversita’, u l-helsien. Nixtieq li kieku l-kostituzzjoni taghna […] Joseph Zammit In the Malta Constitution I would like the following sentence to be introduced and qualified as ‘entrenched’: “Human life shall be safeguarded from conception to natural death.” Warren Saliba L-ebda partit wahdu li ghandu aktar minn zewg terzi tas-siggijiet fil-Parlament ma jista’ jemenda l-Kostituzzjoni wahdu Membri Parlamentari/Prim Ministru jistghu jaghzlu Ministri li mhumiex Membri Parlamentari biex tippermetti ghazla aktar […] Dolores k/a Doreen Cutajar Naqbel u nixtieq li l George Cross jibqa jidher fuq il bandiera Maltija. Dan huwa simbolu ta liberta li iggieldu ghalih niesna kollha b tant sagrificcju kollettiv kif ukoll individwali. […] Emvin Mifsud Few things thatshould definitely be retained.. 1 – the Maltese as a National obligatory language 2. We are Roman Catholics… that stays 3. The Maltese flag and the George Cross. […] Rafael Iori Define rules about foreigners job. Thanks Rafael Iori Mary Anne Buhagiar Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Suggerimenti-ta-Tibdil-fil-Kostituzzjoni-DR.-BUHAGIAR Joseph Bouvett Jiena nipproponi li l-qrati tal-Gustizzja ikunu risponsabilita tal-president dirett, biex hadd ma jabbuza specjalment fil-ghazla tal gudikanti. Dan ninghjar l-ebda ndhil tal-parlamentari. Jekk hemm bzonn anka jekk ikollu jigi elet […] Ivan Azzopardi My appeal is to retain the George Cross on our National Flag. This was earned with the blood , sweat , grief and unimaginable sacrifices of our ancestors. This should […] Anthony Zammit Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Anthony Zammit Philip Camilleri Malta and Gozo become one district. This will severely reduce nepotism and current system which provides Gozitan voter enormous power over politicians. (Do the PL and PN actually want to […] William Tyler It is 2019, not the 15thcentury. Natural direct sunlight, fresh unobstructed air, and a view of gardens that may have been there for over two-hundred years or more can today […] Colette Bugeja Ghaziz Eccellenza, gheziez Membri Nipproponi li tiddahhal, inter alia, emenda fil-Kostituzzjoni li tippermetti lill-Maltin kollha li jghixu barra minn Malta biex ikunu jistghu jivvotaw (jekk jixtiequ) kemm fl-elezzjonijiet nazzjonali u […] Dr. Mark Said LL.D. Attached please find a number of suggestions and proposals penned by myself together with my brief feedback. Thanks. Suggested Constitutional Reforms and Amendments – Dr Mark Said Paul Edgar Micallef see attachment kindly note that my comments reflect strictly my own views only. Dr. Micallef Submissions with regard to changes to the Constitution of Malta 2019 – Paul Edgar Micallef Jon Smith Fuq il-medja socjali kienu saru diversi diskussjonijiet fuq il-bazi morali li ghandha jkollha l-konstituzzjoni ta’ Malta galadarba l-kultura qed issir iktar miftuha u mhallta b’hafna razez differenti li ghalija u […] Anthony De Bono Fil-Qosor: Ikun ta’ importanza assoluta illi tibdil fil-Kostituzzjoni jinkludi li siti ta’ importanza nazzjonali ikunu protetti bil-Kostituzzjoni fis-sens li ma jkunu qatt parti f’ negozju : Ezempju: Il-Palazz tal- President […] Dr. John Consiglio Il-pajjiz irid jgholli il-livell ta’ rispett li jinghata lil gruppi politici minoritarji billi jaghtihom cans sod u serju li jkunu prezenti fil-Parlament. Treshold nazzjonali ta’ 5% ghandu jigi stabbilit li, […] Billy.J McBee Hallu l-Konstituzzjoni kif inhi. CJohn Zammit 1) Ir-Reliġjon ta’ Malta The Religion of Malta Ir-Republika ta’ Malta ma għanda l-ebda reliġjon uffiċċjali. The Republic of Malta does not have an official state religion. ———————————————————— 2) Il-Validita’ […] Charlie Axiak Stronger fines for landlords who overcrowd buildings for profit and if court again losses property. Foreigners that commit serious crimes after jail get deported. Foreigners that commit minor crimes 3 […] Dr. Mark Said LL.D. Attached please find Part II of my suggested amendments and changes to the Constitution. Thanks & regards. Suggested amendments to the Maltese Constitution – Dr Mark Said LL.D Philip Micallef My suggestions on The Constitution are: 1) Education is a right of all citizens living in Malta from the cradle to the grave 2) People holding public posts whether in […] Saviour Grech Jigi protett u mhares bil-Kostituzzjoni l-gid komuni tal-poplu ta’ dawn il-gzejjer, specjalment l-art pubblika ghandha tigi mharsa mill esproprijaturi, b’aktar trasparenza mill politici li ghandhom jinzammu responsabbli ta’ kull ma’ […] Saviour Cachia Fuq tlieta toqghod il-borma. *Prim Ministru 10 snin u deputat parlamentari 20 sena. *Il-hatriet kollha ta” mexxejja tal-istituzzjonijiet Maltin jimxu fuq il-prassi taz-zewg terzi kif tapplika ghall-hatra tal-President tar-Repubblika. *Ugwaljanza […] Emanuel Delia - Repubblika Repubblika tesprimi l-apprezzament tagħha għall-kummenti tal-President George Vella ftit tal-jiem ilu li l-proċess tar-Riforma Kostituzzjonali m’għandux ikun limitat għall-interessi taż-żewġ partiti politiċi fil-Parlament, iżda għandu jinkludi parteċipazzjoni wiesa, inkluż dik […] Rakkomandazzjonijiet Procedura Riforma Kostituzzjonali Mary Anne Buhagiar Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Suggerimenti ta Tibdil fil Kostituzzjoni amended DR.BUHAGIAR Mark Scerri 1) The process leading to the drafting of the new constitution should be a bottom-top rather than a top-down process. I would therefore suggest the convening a partly elected constitutive […] Michael Vella Get rid of article 2 of the constitution, it is high time Malta becomes a proper secular state and makes sure that religion on all levels of state matters are […] Mary Anne Buhagiar Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Suggerimenti-ta-Tibdil-fil-Kostituzzjoni-final-version-DR.-BUHAGIAR Joseph Camenzuli I wish to see an inclusion in our Constitution like the Australians have that any foreigner can not be elected to Parliament unless he is of Maltese decent, living in […] Claire Bonello Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Constitutional-reforms-initial-submissions Emanuel Psaila Id-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili qed jitlob li jiġi emendat artiklu 47 tal-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta artiklu (1) fejn dan jaqra: F’dan il-Kapitolu, ħlief fejn ir-rabta tal-kliem ma teħtieġx xort’oħra, il-kliem li ġejjin […] Alexander Falzon laws should be equally applied to Government, Church, and Citizens. There are laws which discriminate, laws which put the Citizen at a disadvantage. Ensuring equal rights in the Constitution eliminates […] Eugenio Camilleri Nixtieq nagħti l-kontrubuzzjoni tiegħi f’din il-konsultazzjoni pubblika rigward ir-riforma kostituzzjonali. 1. Il-Bandiera ta’ Malta jidhirli li għandha tkun imniżżla fuq il-Kostituzzjoni. Jekkx tinbidilx biż-żmien irid ikun hemm kunsens sħiħ, u […] Martin Scicluna The document is submitted as a contribution to the considerations on the Constitutional Convention. The-Constitution-of-Malta-at-Fifty-revised-31.03.2014 Anthony Zammit 1) The role of Prime Minister is defined as ‘Primus inter paribus’ but in practice it is much more ‘Primus’ than ‘Paribus’. A lot of this excessive power must be […] Mary Anne Buhagiar Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Suggerimenti-ta-Tibdil-fil-Kostituzzjoni-final-version-slightly-revised-DR.-BUHAGIAR Gianluca Barbieri Qiegħed nannetti l-kontribut tiegħi. Grazzi, Gianluca Riforma-Kostituzzjonali – G Barbieri Mary Anne Buhagiar Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Suggerimenti-ta-Tibdil-fil-Kostituzzjoni-final-version-revised-no.-2-DR.-BUHAGIAR Vincent Palmier Jiena nahseb li wasal iz-zmien li naghmluha cara ma kulhadd li kul min jigi Malta u jxellef difrejh mal-ligi ta Malta, jigi estradit lura lejn pajjizu u jhallas lis-spejjes inkluzi […] Lino DeBono Posting former parliamentarians propositions. Parliament Marija Vella Nixtieq li il-piena tal- mewt tinqata habba raguni ta’ sahha mentali li jista jakkuza kemm il- prigunier u kemm il- qraba taghhom. Il- prigunier ghandu jinghata il- kastig ghal kazin […] Ian Carl Farrugia 1. Put the right to a healthy environment as an actual fundamental human right rather than as a general (unenforceable) principle. For instance, the right to clean air and the […] Martina Cilia Fil kazz tieghi biex tinbdiel il-piena ta ghomor il habs ,u tigi fdata Mary Vella Fil kaz tieghi biex tinbidel il- piena ta ghomor il-habs,u tigi fdata Sammy Meilaq - Front Maltin Inqumu Qeghdin niktbulek ghan-nom tal-Front Maltin Inqumu. Il-Front huwa tal-fehma li jekk se jsiru emendi ghall-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta ghandhom jidhlu principji li jsahhu r-rieda ta’ pajjizna ghall-paci fost il-gnus, ghal-harsien ta’ […] Yanika De Manuele jien ma naqbillx mal pina ta l ghomor il habs! Kulhad ghandu dritt ghal hajja u tieni cans Frank Zammit Per li fil-passat il-piena kapitali kienet imnehhija mil-kodici kriminali Malti mil-Perit Dom Mintoff, u mil-ligi tal-Armata minn Dr Lawrence Gonzi, ghalhekk l-artiklu 33(1) tal-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta ghandu jigi mnehhi wkoll […] Antonia Degiorgio Nixtieq nara tibdil fis-sistema tal-Qorti tal-Familja. Huwa inaċċettabli li persuna minkejja li ilha de facto separata tmien (8) snin sallum għadha legalment miżżewġa. Dan huwa ksur serju tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem u […] Pavl Cilia Il-proposta mehmuża f’dawn id-dokumenti. Arma ta’ Malta Ittra lil President Jum Nazzjonali ta’ Malta Dun Kalcidon Vassallo Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Dun Kalcidon Vassallo Guzeppi Grech Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Guzeppi Grech Walter Camilleri Il-proposta mehmuża f’dawn id-dokumenti. Ittra Dokumenti A-D Dokument F Dokument E Dokument G Dokument H Blake Camilleri Anness hemm dokument ta’ ftit paġni fuq ir-riforma tal-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta. Blake Camilleri Joseph R Grima Following the invitation by the President of Malta to the general public to participate in the Constitutional Reform process, I am herewith submitting my views on the ‘Constitution of Malta […] Joseph R Grima Tyrone Grech Qieghed nehmez ma’ dan il-messagg zewg dokumenti illi gia` gew mibghuta lill-iSteering Committee dwar ir-Riforma Kostituzzjonali permezz ta’ e-mails lil ‘’ datati 25 ta’ April 2019 u 10 ta’ Awwissu […] 1.-Tyrone-Grech-Riassunt-Proposti-Riforma-tal-Kostituzzjoni-L-Ewwel-Parti 2.-Tyrone-Grech-Riassunt-Proposti-Riforma-tal-Kostituzzjoni-It-Tieni-Parti Sandro Debono I propose that access to culture, heritage and creative expression is enshrined within the constitution as a right. Endorsing access to heritage and creative expression in our national constitution would […] Amanda Camilleri Qeghdha nehmez il-proposta tieghi hawn taht. Amanda Camilleri Charlene Bonavia Lil eccellenza il- president, Jiena nixtieq li l-kostituzjoni jkolla bidla fija fejn jidhlu il-habsin. Min igib ruhu sew ghandu jkollu iktar kundizzjonijiet ahjar, fejn ikun jista jgawdi iktar lil famililjari […] Nicholas Debono Less powers to the Prime Minister President of the Republic elected by the people True independence for members of the judiciary (mode of appointment, tenure etc.) Ethan Brincat I am attaching an abstract of my undergraduate law dissertation. The-Constitutional-Rights-to-a-Healthy-Environment – Ethan Brincat Luke Mizzi This Constitutional reform should discuss “the right to a healthy environment” and should see this right formally enshrined within Chapter IV of the Maltese Constitution. This right is gaining more […] Chloe Gambin This Constitutional reform should discuss “the right to a healthy environment” and should see this right formally enshrined within Chapter IV of the Maltese Constitution. This right is gaining more […] Gabrielle Gauci To whom it may concern, I am writing today in regards to the Constitutional reform which should discuss “the right to a healthy environment” and should see this right formally […] Ivan Vassallo XI suġġerimenti B’riferenza lejn Kap. 1 Art. 5 nissuġġerixxi li jiżdied b’riferenza għall-wirt miktub u kulturali u l-vokazzjoni Ewro-Mediterranja ta’ Malta, jingħata rikonnoxximent storiku/kulturali lejn il-lingwi kostitwenti li wasslu sa […] Gabriel Galea This Constitutional reform should discuss “the right to a healthy environment” and should see this right formally enshrined within Chapter IV of the Maltese Constitution. This right is gaining more […] Nicholas Casha Fl-opinjoni tieghi jiena nahseb li il-parole ghanda tigi riveduta u dawk il-habsin li jkunu bil-ghaqal, jigu moghtja l-opportunita li jqattaw iktar hin id-dar u forsi anke nitroducu xi tip ta […] Dr. John Zammit Nissuggerixxi: 1 Il-Parlament ikun maghmul dejjem minn 65 membru parlamentari biss u qatt ma jizdiedu aktar minhabba l-proporzjonita’. 2 Li jitnehha l-Privilegg Parlamentari. 3 li d-distretti elettorali jitnehhew u Malta […] Raymond Attard Ic-cittadini tal-pajjiz ghandu jigu ttrattati bl-istess mod u r-regoli ghandhom japplikaw ghal kulhadd l-istess, specjalment fejn jidhol is-servizz pubbliku. Kultant nharsu lejn il-klassi ta’ dak li jkun u niddistingwu minn […] Marcris C Nixtieq li ssir bidla fil-kaz ta dawk il-habsin li jkunu bil-ghaqal, sabiex dawn jinataw il-opportunita li jahdmu u b’hekk ikunu jistaw jghinnu lilom innfusom u lil familijari taghhom u barra […] Dorianne Cutajar Jiena nixtieq nara bidla fil-mod ta kif nitegraw lura il-habsin fis-socjeta. Ghadna naghtuwhom cans li jekk ikun on ‘good behavior’ johrog jahdem u anke jkun jista jqatta iktar hin id-dar […] Paul Debono Public officers, magistrates, judges, including parlamentarians, ministers, parlament secretaries ,and top government officials : 1. Should have their bank account under public scrutiny 2. Should have ALL their perks and […] Paul Debono Il- habs ma jirriforma lill hadd. Ghal reati mhux gravi u minuri, ghandu jigi introdott l arrest fi dar, konfiska tempranja ta l karta ta l identita u il passaport, […] Paul Debono Reati , anke zaghar kontra l anzjani ghandhom ikollom pieni aktar horoxx Paul Debono Pensjonijiet , maghrufa bhala ” pensions of the old regime” li inataw lill agenziji maghrufa fil passat, bhala ” parastatali ” ghandhom jigu rikonoxuti bhal dritt u jigu attwati, anke […] Benny Borg Bonello - Consumers’ Association - Malta The attached document is being submitted by the Consumers’ Association – Malta (Għaqda tal-Konsumaturi) for consideration. Const-Prop-Sept-2019 David Paul Mifsud I would like to see the following entrenched in the constitution. a) Separated fathers should have by default equal parenting time with their children (including number of nights spent). Fathers […] Joseph Bugeja The main provisions of the Maastricht Treaty on economic and monetary governance and subsequent substantive developments on economic, fiscal and monetary governance at a European Union level, have not been […] David Muscat The main 3 pillars of democracy are the judiciary, the legislative and the executive. In the current state of affairs the executive is also integral part of the legislative, thus […] Miguel Cauchi Lil min tikkonċerna, qed nikkontribwixxi għal din il-konsultazzjoni permezz tar-riċerka annessa u dan il-messaġġ. Ir-riċerka titratta karatteristika importanti tal-Kostituzzjoni tagħna – xi ħaġa li għandha tissaħħaħ fir-riforma Kostituzzjonali. Xtaqt ukoll […] Miguel-Cauchi-Government-in-Parliament Ritienne Borg Salerno Nixtieq li l ghomor il habs jigi ikkunsidrat li jinqata. Il bniedem jizzbalja u gieli anke bl ikrah imma kulhadd ghandu dritt ghal cans iehor. Simon Borg - Moviment Patrijotti Maltin Aness ma dan il-mail għandek issib dokument format PDF bil-proposti tal-Moviment Patrijotti Maltin għar-riforma fil-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta. Ġentilment nitolbok tikkonferma li dan id-dokument wasal u ġie aċċettat. Tislijiet Simon Borg […] Tibdil-fil-Kostituzzjoni-ta-Malta – Moviment Patrijotti Maltin Rita Camilleri Jiena nixtieq niehu din l-opportunita sabiex nghid grazzi talli tajtu cans lil poplu jesprimi l-opinjoni tieghu. Jiena nixtieq nara bidla fil-kostituzjoni fejn huma ikoncernati l-habsin. Dan ghandom ikollom kundizjonijiet ahjar […] Alfred Salerno Jinata grad u Lomor taqa tigi psentenza imqar 20yrs hu bizejed nahseb jin Mary Caruana L-ghomor il-habs ghadna tinqata ghax kullhadd jizbalja u ghalhekk ghadna l-ikbar piena ma tkunx iktar min 25 sena, ghaliex kullhadd ghandu dritt ghat-tieni cans fil-hajja. Il-parole ghadna ukoll tigi riveduta […] Charles Camilleri JIen nixtieq li Malta tibqa Maltija. ghalekk fl ebda hin ma jista jkun hawn inqas minn wiehed minn kull hamsa barranin u allura erba minn kull hamsa ghandhom jkunu Maltin. […] Alexia Xuereb Diacono FL-opinjoni tieghi jiena nahseb li l-ghomor l-habs ghadna titneha u ghadna tinghata mhux iktar min 25 sena. Ghadna ukoll naraw li l-habsin jigu moghtija kura li jkollom bzonn. Nemmen ukoll […] Christopher Xuereb Nemmen li l-bniedem jizbalja ghax kullhadd huwa uman, ghalhekk nemmen li l-ghomor l-habs ghadna tigi imnehija. Ghadna nghinnu lil habsin biex jintegraw lura fis-socjeta, billi forsi nintroducu xi sistema fejn […] Joseph Magro Please find attached my proposal for an improved Malta Electoral System – Part A. Perit Joseph Magro PAPER-A-PROPOSALS-FOR-AN-IMPROVED-MALTA-ELECTORAL-SYSTEM COVERING LETTER Joseph Magro Please find attached my proposal for an improved Malta Electoral System (Part B). Perit Joseph Magro PAPER-D-FIXED-REGIONS-OF-MALTA-AND-THE-MALTA-ELECTORAL-SYSTEM PRESENTATION-NOTE-PROPOSALS-FOR-AN-IMPROVED-MALTA-ELECTORAL-SYSTEM Joseph Magro Please find attached my proposal for an improved Malta Electoral System (Part C). Perit Joseph Magro PAPER-B-INTERRELATED-REGIONS-AND-DISTRICTS-FOR-MALTA-AND-GOZO PAPER-C-LOCAL-GOVERNMENT-WHITE-PAPER-AND-INTERRELATED-REGIONS-AND-DISTRICTS Anthony Quintano Jekk jogħġbok ara s-suġġerimenti tiegħi f”Żid dokument’ AQ-Riforma-Kostituzzjonali Amadeo Mifsud I want our Constitution to safeguard life from the moment of conception up to the moment of natural death and in particulr I want our Constitution to prohibit abortion and […] Matthew Grech I believe it is time for Malta to revise and examine who is truly carrying the sceptre of spiritual authority on the island. Dialogue must be fostered with every church […] Reginald Aquilina I want to see that life starts from conception and foetus protected. firmly entrenched in the Constitution. No exceptions except when mothers life in danger.I also want freedom of religion […] Pierre Portelli I feel that the basic rights of each individua lincluding the right to life should be totally safeguarded whatever the state of the individual in question born or unborn, age, […] Tancred Manfre The right to life especially of the most innocent needs to be protected and included in the supreme law of the land, the constitution. Life starts at conception without a […] Sean Mifsud I want our Constitution to safeguard life from the moment of conception up to the moment of natural death and in particular I want our Constitution to prohibit abortion and […] Rachelle Zammit I am strongly against these and abortion should never be a choice because the unborn child is the one to be protected and treasured not butchered to death. Rodlene Vella Zarb I want our Constitution to safeguard life from the moment of conception up to the moment of natural death and in particular I want our Constitution to prohibit abortion and […] Simon DeBono a. Lì ma tidholx ebda ligi jew regolament lì ti permetti jew tinkoragixxi L Abort. b. Lì il bniedem huwa rikonoxxut bhala bniedem mil koncepiment. c. Lì il Kostituzzjoni ma […] Abigail Giuffre Malta needs to continue to value life above all else. Abortion and euthanasia should never even be considered. Abortion is not health care and it is not a woman’s right. […] Steve Pace Human Life is precious. Any unborn human being should be protected against wilful homicide including induced abortion . It is therefore necessary to declare the unborn human life as an […] Diane Borg Some of my thoughts. I wish that abortion in Malta remains illegal for all situations. Killing an innocent live has no excuses. More laws to protect the environment. Maltese people […] Alton Costa 1. As a Maltese citizen, I would like that Abortion will not even be considered under no circumstance. 2. ALL minorities have to have equal voice not only the selected […] Mary Rose Camilleri Killing for whatever the reason kills our faith in humanity. The act itself says alot about who conducts or approves it. I refrain totally from being part and an accomplice […] Jacqueline Farrugia Marridux l Abbort u ebda qtil primeditat gewwa gziritna. Ahna nhaddnu l valuri Li kellom missirijietna li carcru demmom ghall hajja ta Hutom Maltin . QATT mhu Ha nkunu QATTIELA […] Joseph Fenech Laudi No to Abortion in any shape or form. Unborn children should be protected by the State. No to Euthanasia! No to being bullied by LGBTIQ! A minority must never overrule […] Ronald John Knight No to abortion. Rachelle Zammit As a Maltese citizen I and my family are strongly against abortion in any circumstance, how can someone butcher to death their own precious children? ? Noooo to abortion 🙁 Joanne Gatt No to abortion! Don’t let abortion legal in our country , because who will ever do so will curse our country! Abortion is all about kiiling inocent human beings! Anne Mary Busuttil I would like a law prohibiting all types of abortion and euthanasia. Thanks Margaret Grech We want abortion and euthanasia of ANY form TO BE PROHIBITED in ALL circumstances. John Mark Attard We demand to have an assurance that any form of abortion, euthanasia & any other form of “legal” killing won’t even be considered nor discussed in Malta. We demand that […] Connor Fenech LE KBIRA GHAL ABORT. IL-HAJJA TAT-TARBIJA GHANDHA TIGI PROTETTA F’LIVELL KOSTITUZZJONALI. Maria Rebecca Galea Abortion and Euthanasia must remain prohibited on our island They go against the basic rights to life Beverley Sciberras To ensure that abortion never come to Malta. We have gone far enough, our morals, out integrity and dignity have been mocked enough by so few (minority groups). When will […] Antoinette Scicluna Manaqbilx li jidhol labbord Monica DeBono No to abortion at all cost. Alfred DeBono No to abortion at all costs. Charmaine Costa no to abortion….As my work is in health care profession I am willing to help others to survive and not to kill….. Stephanie Micallef Protection for the unborn, the foetus is a human being from fertilization, no to abortion and no to eutanasia Dorothy Cassar No to aborrio and no to euthanasia Stanislas Zammit This is the contribution I included for your My contribution: 1. As a Maltese citizen, I would like that Abortion will not even be considered under no circumstance. 2. ALL […] Jonathan Cauchi Abortion must not enter into this country, from conception the miracle has happened and a unique new human has started his/her journey! This LGBT must not be allowed to influence […] John Spiteri Gingell Artiklu 33 (1) għandu jiġi emendat sabiex jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċipiment u għalhekk jingħalaq il-bieb għas-saħta tal-abort li qed jhedded lil pajjiżna u lil uliedna darba għal dejjem. Doreen Turner Bilocca I would like that the constitution of Malta would state that abortion shall not be part of our legislation. Thank you. Maxine Chetcuti Nixtieq li il hajja umana tkun protetta mill-koncepiment. Marco Cilia JIen nixtieq u nirsisti biex Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. YVONNE TANTI Jiena irrid li l-Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. RUTH CURMI DIMECH Abortion is murder. No to abortion. Anne Mary Busuttil L-Artiklu 33(1) li jirrigwarda l-protezzjoni tad-dritt ghal hajja jaghmilha cara li l-hajja tibda mill-koncepiment. Steven Gauci Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. Steven Gauci Ghandha tibqa ir religjon kristjana u li tipprotegi il hajja tat tarbija mil bidu tal koncivament. Kenneth Fenech Nixtieq li Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja, jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment u li l-ħajja għanda tkun imħarsa u protetta mill-konċepiment sal-mewt naturali. Isaac Joseph Zammit Nixtieqkom li fil-Kostituzzjoni tiċċaraw li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment u allura kull tip ta’ abbort huwa qtil ta’ tarbija u ħajja umana. David Muscat Artiklu 33 ghandu jaghmilha cara illi l-hajja tibda mill-koncepiment. Paul De Leonardo NO TO ABORTION. Alfred Grech Irrid li Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. Joseph Saliba I want all forms of abortion and euthanasia to be prohibited from Maltese constitution. Life is precious and holy. Carmelo Azzopardi jien nixtieq li l-Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. Pierre Axiaq Nixtieq li tkun ferm iktar ċara fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li l-ħajja ta’ kull bniedem għanda tkun rispettata mill-konċepiment sal-mewt naturali. Joe Vella Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. B’hekk l-abort isir QTIL, kif verament hu. Grazzi Kevin Apap Irrid li nara dan li gej – Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. Ukoll nitlob li jizdiedu dan il-kliem fil-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta […] Emmanuel De Giovanni I want Artiklu 33 (1) to make it clear that life starts from conception. Also all life to be protected from conception till death. Marilyn Casha Dritt ghal- Hajja mill- koncepiment sa tmiem naturali taghha Noel Camilleri D'Amato Nixtieq li artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja, jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment u għandha tkun rispettata u mħarsa sat-tmiem naturali tagħha. Stephanie Soler I believe that the right to life from conception to natural death should be enshrined in the constitution. Martin Abela Żminijietna – Proposti għar-Riforma Kostituzzjonali. L-Organizazzjoni Xellugija Żminijietna qed tressaq il-proposti tagħha għar-Riforma Kostituzzjonali, fejn qed nappellaw sabiex jkun hemm: Rappreżentanża aktar wiesgħa fil-Parlament: Nemmnu li r-riforma Kostituzzjonali għanda twassal […] Valentina Attard The right of the unborn starts at the moment of conception. Michela Catania No to abortion at any stage John Cachia Protect all forms of human life, including the unborn child. Be more open to refugees and provide more support. Edward Brooks I request that the right to life from conception to natural death is enshrined in the constitution. Josephine Debattista no to abortion Reuben Gauci Nissuġġerixxi li f’ Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. Lisa Cassar Life from conception till death must be enshrined in our constitutional laws. Adrian Buckle Nixtieq li L-ABORT isir ghazla ghall-mara f’kazijiet ta’ periklu ghal hajjietha jew fejn m’hemx cans li t-tarbija tghix. Adrian Buckle Nixtieq li tidhol ligi fuq l-Ewtanasja biex din issir possibli. Anne Marie Fenech Nixtieq li l artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda l-protezzjoni tad-dritt ghall-hajja, jaghmilha cara li l- hajja tibda mill koncepiment. Emanuel Simiana Nixtieq li dan il pajjiz ikun ibazat fuq id drittjiet umani. L ewwel dritt ghandu ikun ghall hajja. Jigi rikonoxut li il hajja tibda mill koncepiment. Ghalekk il hajja tal […] Angelo Giordimaina Li il-President ta’ Malta jitla’ b’elezzjoni biex ikollu poteri esekutivi biex jkun jista jiehu decizzjoni jekk il- gvern tal-gurnata jabbuza mill-poter li itih il- poplu. Fiona Galea No to abortion Brendon Zammit No to abortion please. Jonathan Dimech Is-suġġeriment tiegħi huwa rigward l-Artiklu 33 (1). Il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja għandha tkun ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment, jiġifieri l-fetu jkun protett il-ħin kollu. Grazzi tas-servizz tagħkom! Cecilia Zammit Endrich The enshrining of the right to life from conception to natural death in our constitution Oliver Agius No abortion in any situation. Ian Camilleri No Abortion Mirabelle Pace NO to abortion Mario Debono No to any form of abortion. Paul Galea Nixtieq li f’Artiklu 33 (1) li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. Jonathan Gracey Il-gvern għandu jintgħażel minn liema partit politiku jirbaħ jew jikseb il-maġġoranza tas-siġġijiet tal-parlament mir-riżultati tal-elezzjonijiet ġenerali, u mhux dak li jikseb il-maġġoranza tal-voti. Anthony Borg ĦATRA TAL-PRESIDENT TAR-REPUBBLIKA Il-Prim Ministru, wara konsultazzjoni mal-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni jagħżel żewġ kandidati u l-poplu jeleġġi wieħed minnhom. Justin Pisani Li Artiklu 33 (1), li jirrigwarda il-protezzjoni tad-dritt għall-ħajja jagħmilha ċara li l-ħajja tibda mill-konċepiment. David Sargent Nixtieq li fl Artiklu 33 ghad dritt ghal hajja din tinkludi li l hajja tkun tinkludi t-trabi fil-guf. Jigifieri l-hajja ghandha tkun deskritta bhala mill koncepiment tat-tarbija sakemm tmut. J Saliba Nemmen ili ghadna titnehha l-ghomor u tigi moghtija sentenza mhux itwal min 30 sena, ghaliex kullhadd ghandu jkollu dritt ghat-tieni cans. Ghadna ukoll nitroducu sistema fejn il-habsin jkunu arrestati d-dar/jahdmuu […] Joseph Tedesco L-ISTITUZZJONI TAL-PRESIDENZA GĦANDHA TIĠI ABOLITA GĦAX ĦELA TA’ FLUS IL-POPLU, L-ISTESS RWOL TAL-PRESIDENT JASSUMIH IL-PRIM MINISTRU, JIĠIFIERI MALTA TIBQA’ REPUBBLIKA U L-CCF ISIR NGO AWTONOMU. Ivan Cauchi Li jiġi kkunsidrat li jingħata d-dritt tal-vot fl-elezzjonijiet ġenerali lill-emigranti Maltin li għadhom ċittadini Maltin, sabiex ikunu jistgħu jitħarsu l-interessi leġittimi li ħafna emigranti għad għandhom f’Malta. Biex jitnaqqas il-biża’ […] Andrew Bonello (Releaf Malta) ReLeaf proposal for the Reform of the Constitution of Malta Right for personal cultivation and freedom to farm The Maltese islands are lucky to have a dedicated tradition keen to […] Joseph Camilleri Ghadna naghtu cans lil habsin sabiex jintegraw lura fis-socjeta, billi nitroducu li jkunu arrestati gewwa darhom, u anke jkunu jistaw jaghmlu xi xoghol. Ghadna ukoll natuwom l-opportunita sabiex jekk xi […] Kenneth Grima Sinjur/a skont il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta, l-ilsien Malti hu l-ilsien nazzjonali ta’ Malta u flimkien mal-Ingliż hu wieħed miż-żewġ ilsna uffiċjali ta’ Malta. Madanakollu, ir-realta’ turi mod ieħor u f’ħafna sitwazzjonijiet, […] Ariana u Saviour Falzon Il-proposti jinsabu mehmuża f’dawn id-dokumenti. Kostituzzjoni-ta-Malta-Draft Tifsir-tal-Kostituzzjoni-ta-Malta-Draft Joseph Gatt Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Joseph Gatt Emanuel Aquilina Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Emanuel Aquilina Timothy Alden I am resubmitting the documents presented in person to the Steering Committee by Partit Demokratiku this year. PD’s-SECOND-BRIEF-ON-CONSTITUTIONAL-REFORM PD-first-brief-to-Steering-Committee-on-Reform-of-Maltas-Constitution-edited Timothy Alden Dear Sir/Madam I have submitted my personal proposals for the reform of our Constitution, based off of my experience in NGOs and politics and from my experiences throughout my life […] Timothy-Alden-on-Constitutional-Reform Ralph Cassar (Alternattiva Demokratika) Anness dokument mibgħut f’isem ALTERNATTIVA DEMOKRATIKA. Ralph Cassar Segretarju Ġenerali Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party Proposti-Riforma-Kostituzzjonali-AD Claire Bonello Kindly find attached representations filed on behalf of FUTUR AMBJENT WIEHED and on my own behalf. Kindly acknowledge receipt of same. Kind regards Claire Bonello LL.D REPRESENTATIONS-AND-SUGGESTIONS-REGARDING-CONSTITUTIONAL-REFORM-FUTUR-AMBJENT-WIEHED Mat Smith I believe the constitution needs to reflect the needs of the Maltese people first and foremost irregardless of wider historic and cultural affiliations with Europe and the English-speaking world. The […] Alexander Voisin The constitution must be amended to include firmly protecting all human life from conception to natural death. (I am a Maltese citizen who lives abroad). George Marius Hyzler - Commissioner for Standards in Public Life Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Towards Higher Standars in Public Life Covering Letter Anton Tabone Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. 50 sena mill-Kunsill Civiku ta’ Ghawdex – A Tabone Covering Letter – Anton Tabone Ordinanza Nru XI 1961 Assocjazzjoni tal-Imhallfin u l-Magistrati Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Assocjazzjoni tal-Imhallfin u l-Magistrati Fondazzjoni Ideat Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Fondazzjoni Ideat Dr. M. Louise Gatt Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. M Louise Gatt- Rosanne Micallef I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Wiebke Micallef Eynaud I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Jo Caruana I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Maria Bezzina Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Patrick Bezzina Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Godfrey Sciberras “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Naomi Bajada Young Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] John Derek Moss “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Rita Simpson “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Luke Caruana “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Ronald Sultana “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Stephen Saliba I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Sandro Sammut Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Ina Cutajar “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Dolores Von moll I request that a separate chapter is added to the constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage environment, archaeology and historical landscapes in such a way that this […] Anna Spiteri “I strongly request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that […] Rupert Grech I have two suggestions: 1) That the separation of powers be enshrined specifically and explicitly in the constitution and the power to select/approve the judiciary by the executive be revoked. […] Patrick Schembri “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Norbert Fenech “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Edward Psaila I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Veronica Calleja I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Mary Rose Azzopardi “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Jamie Mercieca Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Samuel Scicluna Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Charmaine Formosa Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] David Youngman I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] John Demanuele I request that clause 21 in CHAPTER II – Declaration of Principles, be reversed in such a way that protection is ensured and enforceable by the necessary structures, administrative resources […] Odette Vella Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Veronica Galea “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Saviour Grech “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joan Ribi “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Noel Cassar LE GHALL L-isfregju ambjentali li ghaddej. Nhallu xi haha ghal uliedna Warren Sammut Għeżież, Nemmen li jekk ser issir xi riforma, ma tmurx wisq ‘il bogħod minn dik preżenti għaliex ma nemminx li qiegħda tirristrinġi b’xi mod. L-importanti hu li jkunu mħarsa d-Drittijiet […] Warren Sammut Xtaqt inżid ukoll illi għandu jkun hemm tolleranza żero għar-razziżmu u ż-żenofobija, u naċċettaw li llum hawn Maltin ta’ kulur u minn razez differenti, iżda xorta jidentifikaw ruħhom bħala Maltin. Steve Zarb “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joseph Bartolo “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Isabel Stabile I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Victor Peter Chetcuti “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Anthony Gellel “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Carmel Grima I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joseph Calleja I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Gertrude Tabone Nissuggerixxi li t-tipjip fil-btiehi, gallarijiet u bjut jigi pprojbit. Jekk irridu l-arja aktar nadifa u nuru rispett lejn xulxin nibdew b’din il-prattika. Anna Maria Cutajar Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Karl Grech Seychell “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joseph Noel Micallef I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joseph Mangani Eċċellenza, Nirringrazzjak tal-opportunita’ li tajtna biex nagħmlu s-suġġerimenti tagħna u nawgurawlek success fil-ħidma nazzjonali tiegħek. Tislijiet mingħand Joe u marti Josephine. Jekk jogħġbok, ara d-dokument mehmuż. Joe Mangani Kostituzzjoni-tibdil-2019 Elizabeth Sansone I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Maria-Christina Micallef I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] John Galdes I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Christopher Vella I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Bernard Micallef Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li tittratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din is-sezzjoni għandha tingħata l-possibbiltà ta’ rikors għal-liġi u jinħoloq […] Peter John Sutton “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Thomas Lofaro Official political affiliation has no place in the media. Partisan politics limits freedom of thought – And consequently also freedom of expression. Make the media entirely free from any political […] Thomas Lofaro The vulnerability of individuals to bribery and financial influence is a serious problem in Maltese political life. This problem would be reduced if power were spread more evenly across society. […] Salvu Axisa 1st nixtieq li l Maltin ta Barra jkollhom I’d dritt li jivvotaw flezzjonijiet ta Malta. 2nd . Li l govern finance the parties fil kampanja eletturali bhal ma hemm go […] John Betts I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Marcus Brewster “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Luigi Pellegrini I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Fiona Hili “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Romano Cassar PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS • Remove electoral divisions completely so that all of the islands of Malta (Malta, Gozo, Comino and any other island in the Maltese Archipelago) are treated as […] Charles Cilia The President should no longer be appointed by the Prime Minister but by the people. I suggest that the incumbent President just before the end of his/her term in office, […] Louisa Grech ” I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that […] Rebecca Vella Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Nicholas Scerri With reference to the protection of Malta’s environment and cultural heritage in the Constitution, specifically; CHAPTER II – Declaration of Principles (clause 9) (1) The State shall safeguard the landscape […] Mark Sultana I believe that to truly protect our natural and cultural heritage, a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and […] Annabelle Bonello “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Kummissjoni Interdjocesana Ambjent Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Kummissjoni Interdjocesana Ambjent Joanna Borg “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Gianni Grioli I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Desiree Falzon Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Prof. Alex Torpiano - Din l-Art Ħelwa Din hija sottomissjoni f’isem Din l-Art Ħelwa, ntiża li tiġbed attenzjoni għall-bżonn li l-Kostitutuzzjoni tar-Repubblika tagħti saħħa adegwata lis-soċjeta’ ċivili biex dina jkollha rwol aktar b’saħħtu fil-protezzjoni u preservazzjoni ta’ […] DLH-Constitution-Submission-1 Daniel Desira I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Catherine Thomas “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] David Mason I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Astrid Vella I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Patrick Mercieca “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Nigel Bianco “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Paul Xuereb I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Maria Concetta Xuereb I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Ruth Bianco “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Emanuel Mallia “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Rachel Borg Cardona I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Jean-Marc Boffa A separate chapter should be added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this protection is […] Yvonne Young “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] John Gauci I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Giovanni Mamo “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Robert James Adey “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Justine Lubnow I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Jennifer Fiorentino I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s biodiversity in all its forms and which should be specified, archaeology and […] Edwin Falzon “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Paul Chetcuti “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Dominic Cauchi “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Anthony Galea Debono “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Anthony Azzopardi The Judiciary: Magistrates and Judges should be appointed following an examination. A specific course for applicants needs to be set up with top-class lecturers even from overseas. Appointments should not […] Alfred Caruana “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Antonio Desira Buttigieg I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Rita Zammit “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Mario Vella Forsi bhalissa mhux l-ahjar zmien u klima biex naghmlu din id-diskussjoni u niehdu decizjoni daqshekk importanti, imma….nixtied nara izjed trasparenza u kontabilita’ fid-decizjonijiet ta’ min imexxi, indipendenza tassew tal-qrati u […] Anna Briffa I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Maria Williams “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Mario Farrugia “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Mario Sammut I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Vivienne Kamp I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Julian Mamo I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Peter Gatt 1. Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu […] Bernadette Borg I agree wholeheartedly that our constitution should protect our country and it’s natural habitat. Emmanuel Chetcuti Harsien strett tal-ambjent specjalment ta’ Dak storiku u arkejologiku, kif ukoll trazzin ta’ l-izvilupp ghal skip ta’ qliegh ghall-ftit u hsara ghall-hafna. Rosalba Ebejer Catania Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Francis Micallef I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Rob Fleri-Soler I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Charles Bonello “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Louise Sultana “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Christine Baluci A separate chapter should be included in the Constitution to deal specifically with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this protection […] Daniel Micallef Grimaud I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Sarah Brady I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Lorraine Conti I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Simon Abrahams The protection of Malta’s cultural heritage should be enshrined in the new constitution and made enforceable by the courts. It should also prevent elected officials from having any say or […] Karl Cassar Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Maria Testa “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Martin Testa “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Elizabeth Ellul I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Victoria Camilleri Haber I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Phyllis Camilleri “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Alexandra Bianco I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Timothy Alden I am submitting the Malta Report by Bertelsmann Stiftung for 2019. It highlights crucial areas for reform as regards good governance, especially relating to our political system and the control […] SGI2019_Malta Mark Bajada I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Victor Falzon I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, biodiversity, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that […] Michael Briguglio Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Alice Mercieca Cleaner dust and car fume air is urgently needed! Rebecca Cremona I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joshua Micallef Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Shirley Xuereb I would truly like a reform in the way the Planning Authority works and the powers given to the board. Due to a number of people and local plans that […] Nick de Giorgio I strongly believe that it is about time that the Constitution of Malta is reviewed and updated to meet the challenges of the new Century – albeit 20 years late! Bernard Storace “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Alain Micallef I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Christiane Brams I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joseph Azzopardi “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Joachim Abela I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Dylan Bulteel I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Ingrid Desira Buttigieg “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Brian Farrugia Our environment is being eroded slowly with loopholes and exceptions. Eventually, we will have nothing of substance left. Especially after an election when a winning political Party is not challenged […] Miriam Soler I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Astrid Vella “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Ann Caruana Montaldo strengthen the protection of Malta’s environment and cultural heritage, as presently the Constitution clause protecting Malta Malta’s “I request that a separatve chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing […] Edward Attard Montalto “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Kenneth Baldacchinio I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Patrick Sciberras “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Shirley Mansfield “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Romina Micallef Attard I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Denise Gauci I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Diana Cassar “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Dolo Camilleri I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Sylvie Mifsud I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] John Grima Protection of Malta’s environment and cultural heritage. Also. That all imports of canned and packaged goods, shows printed ingredients and information in languages INCLUDING INGLISH Saviour Bonnici I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Marie Claire Gatt Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Anna Debono “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Marianne Zammit “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Anselm Sciberras 1. Il-Kostituzzjoni għandha tikkonferma li r-Reliġjon ta’ Malta hi dik Kattolika Rumana. 2. Għandu jkun iċċarat li qatt u mkien l-ilsien Ingliż jew xi lsien ieħor jitqies aktar importanti mill-Malti […] Vincent Vella “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Laura Rapa “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Anne Finn I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Lino Busuttil Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Mary Anne Agius I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Dr. Joan Ribi “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Josephine Ann Cutajar “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Nicoletta Moss I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Mary Camilleri “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Matthieu Camilleri Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Justin Galea “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Randolph Dumas I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Christopher Mercieca I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Dawn Saliba “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Daniel Cauchi I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Christopher Barbara In response to the public invitation to make suggestions relevant to the upcoming Constitutional reform, we are writing this letter to convey our suggestions as the non-governmental organisation Doctors for […] Norbert Vella I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Suzanne Maas I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Caroline Caruana I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Geraldine Griffiths “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Simon Camilleri “I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Sylvia Scerri “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Percy Palmier Nixtieq li fil-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta (il-ligi suprema tal-istat) jigi imdahhal artiklu fejn jghid li : Ma jistghux jigi ffurmati partiti politici a bazi ta’ religjon, razza jew ghal ragunijiet ta’ […] Norman Saliba I would like a separate chapter is added to our Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in doing so a level protection […] Biagio Vella “Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Ronald Calleja Jien nitlob li tiżdied sezzjoni separata fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta li titratta l-ħarsien tal-patrimonju Malti, l-ambjent, l-arkeoloġija u l-pajsaġġ storiku tal-pajjiż. F’din tingħata l-possibilta ta’ rikors għall-liġi u jinħoloq mekkaniżmu ta’ħarsien […] Jordan Bonello Gauci I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Noelle Debono Consider limiting a Prime Minister’s service to the country for not longer than 2 five year terms, like in the US. George Cassola I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Michael Briguglio Malta’s constitutional reform should ensure that institutions are well-equipped to curtail excesses by governments. The reform process should be transparent, evidence-based and characterised by deliberation. When the European Commission for […] Abigail Ardelle Zammit I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Samantha Mercieca I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Marie Thérèse Camenzuli - Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent Qed nehmeż il-kontribuzzjoni tal-Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent fil-konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar ir-riforma fil-Kostituzzjoni. Grazzi ħafna Constitution-Environmental-Issues-Final Renee Laiviera Please find attached the input to the Constitutional Reform of the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality NCPE-Input-The-Constitution-from-an-Equality-Perspective Oliver Scicluna Dan id-dokument ghandu anness fih suggerimenti li qed taghmel il-Kummissjoni ghad-Drittijiet ta’ Persuni b’Dizabilita’, flimkien mal-Ufficju tad-Dizabilita’ fi hdan il-Ministeru tal-Familja, Drittijiet tat-tfal u Solidarjeta Socjali. Suggerimenti-dwar-tibdil-fil-Kostituzzjoni John Schembri Person occupying the post of prime minister will not do more than 2 terms. Ministers can be appointed by the prime minister from outside parliament Paul Debono Nisugerixxi : Issir elezzjoni ghal president ta Malta Il president ikollu aktar poteri, aktar min ministru u prim ministru biex jizgura governanza tajjba Jinhatar magistrat inkwirenti, li jista jiehu azzjoni […] Achille Agius I would like that the George Cross removed from the Maltese national flag and returned to the one our national poet, Dun Karm, was proud of, that is, “Bajda u […] David Falzon the constitution should change to reflect the present situation of the many foreigners in Malta. Foreigners are most welcome so long as they abide by the laws of Malta. If […] Mario Grech 1. Il-president ta’ Malta jkun naħtur għal għomru. Dan jiffranka lill-kaxxa ta’ Malta pensjonijiet u perkaċċi konsiderevoli. Il-passat uriena li wara ħames snin fil-kariġa l-popolarità tal-president tkun fl-aqwa tagħha u […] Paul Borg Ghall mien ma jistax jahdem: Internet b’xejn, Dritt li tkabbar xtieli medicinali imqar sa ghoxrin ghal CBD jew THC mhux iktar min 5%, Trasport publiku b’xejn, Dritt ghall supply ta […] Michael Agius Nixtieq li l-kultura Nisranija Maltija tinghata lewwl importanza fil-kostituzzjoni. Jonathan Gracey Hemm il-bżonn li Malta jkollha liġi ġdida li tgħid, meta kwalunkwe Membru tal-Parlament (MP) jġib imġieba ħażina jew mhux xieraq f’ kwalunkwe ħin, kemm fil-parlament kif ukoll fil-ħajja privata, jew […] Jonathan Gracey L-abort jibqa illegali.! Jonathan Gracey Il-Gvern ta’ Malta għandu ikun dak il-partit politiku li jikseb il-maġġoranza tas-siġġijiet fil-parlament, fl-elezzjonijiet ġenerali. Martin Bugelli My personal opinion regards a constitutional change that I feel is necessary to mark a clear delineation between the Legislative (Parliament) and the Executive (Government) pillars of our democracy. In […] Dr. Kathleen Grima - Federazzjoni Kaccaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti (FKNK) Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. FKNK submissions (1) Clive Aquilina Qieghed nehmez dokument f’din il-website dwar Mekkanizmu Elettorali gdid. Nemmen li fil-klima politika li qeghdin naffacaw bhalissa hemm bzonn li jsiru emendi fil-mekkanizmu prezenti. Riforma 2020 National Audit Office Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. NAO SUBMISSIONS Adrian Gellel Attached please find my comments and suggestions regarding art. 2 as well as suggestions regarding the introduction of articles that aim to safeguard the environment, the right to freshwater as […] Constitution-Article-2 Protection-of-the-Environment-and-Rights-of-the-Child Sharon Vassallo Good governance rests on accountability. Accountability implies inspection and inquiry of the use of the the general public’s resources by Government and its agencies. In Malta, this function is vested […] Carmelo Agius Ghanda titnehha l klawsola li tirrigwarda lr religjon kattolika fil kostiituzjoni… Paulina C. Attard Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. kostituzzjoni-b (1) Alex Felice I thought first we ought to understand that our constitution is fundamentally strong though it needs to be adjourned to the times and based on our experience since it was […] constituional-reform-proposals Charles Deguara These proposed amendments to the Constitution were presented to HE the President Dr. George Vella by the Auditor General on the 12th February 2020. NAO SUBMISSIONS Michael Mifsud Il President tal Republika ghandu jinhatar bil pagoranzza ta 2/3 tal Kamra. Kif ukoll il Kumisarju tal pulizja Louise Gatt Once a foreigner (non Maltese) is guilty of a crime (however small the crime is), then the person must be sentenced to leave the Maltese Islands immediately, Maltese are to […] Matthew Joslin The George Cross on the Flag is to be RETAINED. It is part of national identity and is probably the only award that the Maltese people have collectively achieved, regardless […] Geraldine Attard The George cross should never be removed from our flag. Joseph Attard The George Cross was awarded to our Fathers, for their gallantry. An award to be the symbol of us, as Maltese. It is to stay on our flag as a […] MaryAnn Waterhouse Do Not change the flag or even think about taking the George Cross off it. It is like erasing Maltese history! Nathaniel Calleja The constitution must defend the place of the George Cross on the National Flag. The GC is an important part of our history, just as the white and red colours […] Mario Borg The George Cross on the Flag is to be RETAINED on the flag. It is part of national identity and is probably the only award that the Maltese people have […] Pierre Bellizzi Keep the G.C. on the National Flag of Malta…..DO NOT remove it….. Peter Bartolo Parnis Please leave the George Cross on our National Flag, where it belongs. Sahha, Peter Bartolo Parnis. Mario Psaila-Savona The George Cross on the national flag is to be retained. Anthony Spiteri Please retain the George Cross on the Maltese flag Ronald Cassar Giacomotto I would like to retain the GC on the Maltese flag to commemorate the fortitude of our forefathers. They earned, they wanted it on the flag and no one has […] Elizabeth Aquilina I believe that the George Cross should stay on the flag as this was an honour given to the people of Malta for gallantry and bravery shown during World War […] Ian Lawson There have been suggestions that the George Cross be removed from the Maltese flag. I wish to register my objection to this as it is a symbol of recognition of […] Marilena Ireland née Borg I wish for the George Cross to be kept on our flag. It is in the history of the island, well deserved, and honours all who fought against the enemy […] Camille Cutajar The GC on our flag is a symbol of bravery by our people. We should honour their sacrifice. Please do not remove this badge of honour, of bravery and of […] Gino Galea LI SFREGJU AMBJENTALI F’DAWN L’AHHAR ERBGHIN SENA Il problema ambjentali, fl opinjoni tieghi hija kkawzata mill bini eccessiv f’zoni ‘green areas’. F’ generazzjoni wahda jew tnejn, bi sfortuna kbira dan […] Leonard Zammit Munro The presence of the George Cross on the flag of Malta should be there to stay. The George Cross on our flag is a symbol of our people’s heroism, of […] Alan Charles Cordina jitnizzel fil- kostituzzjoni li ma jintmiss qatt il- George Cross min fuq il- bandiera glorjuza Maltija ! Stephen Hall The George Cross is an essential part of our national identity and should serve to unify the population with a sense of national pride, achievement and defiance against all odds. Gino Galea IL KURCIFISS GHANDU JIBQA’ PROMINENTI FIL POSTIJIET PUBLICI/ IR RELIGGJON TAGHNA ‘KOTTOLIKA RUMANA’ GHANDHA TIBQA’ TIPPRESEDI FIL KOSTITUZZJONI TA’ MALTA TAGHNA u FUQ LI STITUZZJONIJIET KOLLHA GOVERNATTIVI. Nemmen li ir […] Carmel Caruana Il-proposta mehmuża f’dan id-dokument. Carmel Caruana Emvin Mifsud It is of utmost importance that we defend the colours and no changes are to be made to the Maltese flag as it is right now… red and white with […] Gino Galea re : “Il Protezzjoni assoluta tat tarbija fil guf” mill flagell tal abort Gheziz Ecc. President George Vella / Onor. Sinjuri, Kullhadd fostna inkluzi intom se naqblu li l gheziz […] Gino Galea IL PROTEZZJONI KOSTITUZZJONALI KONTRA IL “FLAGELL” TAL ABORT F’PAJJIZNA Ghandna sitwazzjoni rikonciljattiva, fejn ‘publikament’ kemm l’ Eccellenza President ta’ Malta, kemm l’Onorevoli Prim Ministru, kif wkoll l’Oppozizzjoni stqarrew publikament, anke […] Simon Cusens On behalf of all the 10,500 members in the Facebook group named ‘The Malta George Cross Movement’, we write to stress we all wish to keep the George Cross symbol, […] Michelle Quinn The George Cross is a symbol of gratitude for the bravery displayed by the people of Malta, to remove it from the flag would tarnish the memory of those ordinary […] David Spiteri Staines The George Cross should remain as part of Malta’s national Flag. it is an everlasting unique tribute to the heroism displayed by Malta during Word War II Joseph Mifsud 1 DO NOT change anything regarding religion. We already saw an attempt to remove the cross from schools or public buildings. We are Maltese and proud to be Roman Catholics. […] Alfred Cachia I strongly believe that the National Flag should remain with the George Cross. Gordon Caruana Dingli It is essential to keep English as an official language. Without decreasing the importance of the Maltese language the English language is of utmost importance to interact with the rest […] Clinton Farrugia Keep the George Cross on our flag! Denise Briffa There needs to be substantial reform in the case of separated/divorced women’s pensions. Those that took time out to look after children are still losing out on those years when […] Josette Camilleri Kieku nixtieq li jitnaqsu l poteri minn fuq il primistru u jaddu ghal ghand l president. Ma jkunux il ministri jew membri parlamentari li jiddeciedu jibqax immexxi l priministru jew […] Paul Cassar Nixtieq nissuġġerixxi li fir-riforma kostituzzjonali ġdida, mil- kbir sa’ zghir ikun responsabbli ta’ għemilu. Kemm jekk hu prim ministru, ministru, ufficjal pubbliku jew ħaddiem, ikun responsabbli personalment ta’ dak li […] Tancred Manfre Amend Article 33 (1) of the constitution to be amended stating that life begins and conception. Further that the law courts no longer have the power to execute a person. Michael Zammit The new constitution should. 1 protect the Maltese flag with George cross on 2 protect life from conception till death 3 keep the catholic religion as the base,thus giving freedom […] Eric Montfort Grazzi talli tajtuni ċ-ċans- hawnhekk mehmuż hawn id-dokument ta’ proposti u il-għala għamiltom. Kostituzzjoni John Mark Attard If God said: BEFORE I formed you in the womb I KNEW you (Jeremy 1:5), it is crystal clear that life begins at conception. Therefore abortion is murder. God said […] Saviour Sammut Nemmen li għandhom jiddaħħlu dawn il-klawsoli fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta. Il-Ħarsien tal-ambjent limitat fi gżira bħal tagħna. Kull proposta ta’ bini barra miż-żoni ta’ żvilupp għandha tiġi approvata minn 2 terzi […] David Calleja Urry My parents and grandparents suffered throughout the siege of Malta in WW2 – my family also served with the British Military in the Allies fight to rid the world of […] Francis Cassar I would prefer if the President of the Republic is elected directly by the people not by parliament. Eric Montfort Addenda – fuq li bghatt bhala PDF Il-Public Accounts Committee ghandu jkollha l-mandat li tiddetermina kemm ikun hemm kuntratti persons of trust u remunerazzjonijiet -dan biex jkollniex ripetizzjonijiet tal-kuntratti ta’ […] Eric Montfort Ridt ukoll inzid li l-ftit art li fadal tigi wkoll protetta bil-Kostituzzjoni u jrid ikollha 80% tal-voti biex tinqala’-jekk ikun hemm bzonn ikun hemm kumpens imma ma nistghux inkomplu nbatu […] Marius Zulgis I am completely in favour of retaining the George Cross on our flag in honour of the Maltese patriots who gave their lives defending Malta against the enemy during WW2. […] Michael Fenech Bil-qawwa kollha noggezzjona ghat-tnehhija tal-George Cross (GC) minn fuq il-bandiera Maltija. Hadd m’ghandu jinqeghda bl-iskuza banali u infantili li l-George Cross ihammrilna wiccna stante li jfakkarna fil-hakma tal-Inglizi. Ma jhammrilna […] Ray Demanuele 1. Ħallu l-George Cross fuq il-bandiera 2. Ħallu r-religjon Kottolika kif inhi bħalissa. 3. Le għal abbort. 4. Għamlu l-ilsien Malti, bħala l-ilsien ewlieni kif ukoll issir liġi biex niddefenduh. Charles Zammit Bhala bniedem li garrabt ksur tal kostituzzjoni u batejt al dawn lahhar 33sena naghmel is suggeriment tieghi hawn taht sottoskritt. Kull mpjegat mal gvern mil lghola wiehed. Sa lizghar meta […] Jesmond Scicluna 1) Li ikun hemm pensjoni proratata ta kemm persuna tkun hadmet. 2) Li refugjati jigu imharga u ippreparati biex issostnu il-hajja taghhom f’pajjizhom kif inhu xieraq u b’dritt. 3) Li […] Jonathan Vella I refer to article 3 of our constitution and would like to put forward my suggestion in this regard. The Maltese Flag shall retain the representation of the George Cross […] Peter Bugeja It is important that we retain the George Cross on our national flag. Our future generations must remember the hardships our parents and grandparents went through during the war. Frederick Attard Artiklu 38. Protezzjoni għall-intimità tad-dar jew proprjetà oħra. Illum din il-parti tal-kostituzzjoni ghandha tigi msahha. Illum m’hemmx protezzjoni tal-privatezza, tal-‘well-being’ tal-familji li ghandhom dritt li jgawdu djarhom u hwejjighom fil-paci […] Anthony Dougall In my opinion, this is to be enshrined in the Maltese Constitution. That Abortion should be illegal at any stages from conception till birth. Abortion is the murdering of an […] Stephen Petroni The constitution should guarantee the protection of historical heritage by making it incumbent upon governments and citizens to conserve it in the best way possible before it passes on to […] Dr Charles Xuereb Xi tibdiliet li fil-fehma tieghi ghandhom jigu studjati: 1. Kap 1 Art 2(2) “principji” mhux cara – morali? Dan sabiex il-firda bejn stat u knisja tibqa’ mharsa u ma tigi […] Sandro Agius 1. Il-ħajja huwa dritt fundamentali tal-bniedem imma li qed jiġi mkassbar ħafna madwarna. Il-Kostituzzjoni trid tirrifletti dak li hu l-poplu malti fil-maġġoranza assoluta tiegħu (skont surverys ‘il fuq minn 90%) […] Kaccaturi San Ubertu VO1049 Protection of minority groups rights, their indigenous customs, privileges, legal practices and traditions. Human rights legal instruments refer to ‘cultural rights’ or ‘the right to culture’ or the ‘right to take […] Kaċċaturi San Ubertu VO1049 Protection of minority groups rights, their indigenous customs, privileges, legal practices and traditions. Human rights legal instruments refer to ‘cultural rights’ or ‘the right to culture’ or the ‘right to […] Saviour Zammit MIN JIGI MALTA, MHUX CITTADIN TA MALTA, JIKSER IL LIGI TA MALTA, L`EWWEL JISKONTA IS SENTENZA LI IL QORTI TAL GUSTIZJA TAGHTIH JEW TATIGHA U WARA JIGI DEPORTAT LEJN PAJJIZU. […] Walter Payne Please leave the George Cross on our flag its there to remember all the courage and from what they passed through our forfathers showed during ww2 Thanks Lorraine Grech I keep hearing that there is the possibility that the Maltese Government may consider the removal of the George Cross from the National Flag. I believe that this will be […] Stephen Sultana In the new constitution the George Cross should be protect for future generations, in respect to our forefathers and our heritage. Should the George Cross be removed from our flag, […] Lucia Custo Seeing that the morning after pill is now available to the general public, I do not see the need of legalising abortion. To my knowledge when a woman is in […] Eric Montfort Il-bandiera Maltija trid tibqa’ kif inhi…il-George Cross hu xempju tal-qlubija tal-Maltin u m’għandux jitneħħa minħabba l-antagoniżmu ta’ xi nies lejn l-Ingliżi. Anthony Lucian Cauchi 1. The President should be elected and accepted by two-thirds of the parliament. The President should have a National Presidential Board made up of two ex-chief Judges, ex Prim Minister […] Jonathan Gracey Catholicism must remain the official religion in Malta, and this must be declared in Malta’s constitution, but other faiths or religions can be practiced in Malta, through registration at the […] Maria Carmela Farrugia Nixtieq li tarbija fil guf , tigi protetta mill tnissiel sa tmiem taghha . Biex titwield it- tarbija , li quddiem tkun cittadina dinija bhalna u hekk tkun tkompliet il […] Lawrence Galea Kostituzzjoni Punti fil-qosor ta’ malajr dwar xi Artikoli. Artikolu 1 għandu jissaħħaħ u bl-ebda mod ma n-newtralita’ u n-non-allinjament ma jintmissu. Artikolu 2 għandu jibqa’ kif inhu. Arrikolu 3 għandha […] Ray Fava PUNT 1 – IL-GEORGE CROSS GHADU NIBQA FEJN HU FUQ IL-BANDIERA TA’ MALTA – JEKK JITNEHHA DAN IKUN DISPETT LEJN DAWK IC-CITTADINI KOLLHA LI SOFREW BIL-FORS FIL-GWERRA – IL-GEORGE CROSS […] Christopher Martin Leave the George Cross on the flag. Raise the minimum wage and entrench a minimum living wage in the constitution along with free health and education as well as social […] Marc Clayton That we keep the George Cross on the National flag in tribute to the brave servicemen and civilians who battled against fascism during WWII Paul Cassar Il-George cross mhux aħna qlajnieh imma missirijietna li bagħtet il ġuħ u il miżerja kif ukoll mietu biex ma jħallux lill għadu jinvadi lill din il gzira. Dak ħadd ma […] Gino Galea IL LIBERTA TAL ESPRESSJONI ABBUZATA. Il Kostituzzjoni Maltija wasal iz zmien li tipprotegi lic cittadin, vittma ta’ min jikkommetti dawn l abbuzi. Bhall ma’ rajna ricenti, nemmen li il Kostituzzjoni […] Gino Galea MALTA TAGHNA GHANDHA TIBQA BISS TAL MALTIN Malta hija mimlija, bli ingliz nghidu,’saturated’ bin numru esagerat ta’ popolazzjoni. Il pajjiz taghna ma’ jiflahx nes aktar. Bizejjed naraw l ahbarijiet u […] Fr John Vella OFM Cap (ezorcista) Message attached Document-1 Rene Borg I request that a separate chapter is added to the Constitution specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment, archaeology and historic landscapes, in such a way that this […] Martin Fenech Please DO NOT remove the Malta george cross from our flag Thanks Alfred Grech Please, Amend art.33(1) to read ‘life begins at conception’. Thank you. Mark Mifsud Bonnici Kaccaturi San Ubertu Protection of minority groups rights, their indigenous customs, privileges, legal practices and traditions. Human rights legal instruments refer to ‘cultural rights’ or ‘the right to culture’ or the ‘right to […] Andre Fenech Dear Sir/Madam, Find attached the Malta Chamber’s document titled ‘ethical business calls for change – a manifesto for Governance by the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry’ published in […] Ethical-Business-calls-for-change.docx Gino Galea MPORTANT NOTE : My last two proposals/posts here, forwarded last Saturday evening, are not visible in the ‘Documentation’ button. Can you please kindly check the problem? Martin Camilleri 1. Kummissarju tal Pulizija u Pulizija jirrispondu dirett lejn il-President 2. L-Brigadier u L-Armata jirrispondu dirett lejn il-President 3. Jitnehha l-privilegg parlamentari u kullhadd jigi suggett ghal ligi John Muscat Nissuggerixxi li meta jkun hemm elezzjoni generali issir ukoll elezzjoni ghal hatra tal president ta Malta. Anke li il kostituzzjoni l gdida ma tkunx tista tinbidel jekk m`hux b vot […] Luca Camilleri Any employees/agents of the state who are contractors for/work within the government and its institutions who interact with and/or are visible to the general public and civilian population must be […] Luca Camilleri Ministers will no longer be selected from the members of parliament. Instead a meritocracy system will be used whereby the prime minister selects the most senior individuals in their field […] Iris Galea Lowell Il-proposta tinsab fid-dokument anness. Iris Galea Lowell Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) Il-proposta tinsab mehmuza f’dan id-dokument. ERA Feedback on Constitutional reform_Final