1 DO NOT change anything regarding religion. We already saw an attempt to remove the cross from schools or public buildings. We are Maltese and proud to be Roman Catholics. It should remain unchanged.
That is (1) Ir-reliġjon ta’ Malta hija r-Reliġjon KattolikaApostolika Rumana.(2) L-awtoritajiet tal-Knisja Kattolika Apostolika Rumanagħandhom id-dmir u l-jedd li jgħallmu liema prinċipji huma tajbinu liema huma ħżiena.(3) It-tagħlim reliġjuż tal-fidi Kattolika Apostolika Rumanagħandu jkun provdut fl-iskejjel kollha tal-Istat bħala parti mill-edukazzjoni obbligatorja
Please remember that constitutions are written in blood. Let’s respect the wishes of our fathers who died for what we have today. DO NOT STAIN OUR CONSTITUTION with INK.
2) any change done to any part of the constitution should be approved by the people in a referendum.
3) Regarding the National debt, we need to add to what the constitution says about the debt. I suggest to add or include these words in the constitution, “the TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT FIGURE is published on all media at least once every month”. I strongly believe that all citizens have the right to be informed of what they collectively owe. The following is what the constitution says as is(- Dejn pubbliku. 106.(1) Id-dejn pubbliku ta’ Malta għandu jiġi addebitat lill-
KOSTITUZZJONI TA’ MALTA 69Fond Konsolidat u fondi oħra pubbliċi ta’ Malta.(2) F’dan l-artikolu riferenzi għad-dejn pubbliku ta’ Maltajinkludu riferenzi għall-imgħax fuq dak id-dejn, ħlasijiet ta’ fondta’ ammortizzament u flejjes ta’ fidwa dwar dak id-dejn u n-nefqat,piżijiet u spejjeż inċidentali għall-amministrazzjoni ta’ dak id-dejn.
4) There was talk of adding Female reps in parliament and obviously this needs to be reflected in the constitution.
However this needs to respect the present constitution word by word as it is written.
b) likewise, there are other people not represented in the parliament, namely Gays, Lesbians, and old people
Whatever modification is made to enable the females (or Males if in minority) to obtain additional seats in Parliament, this should apply also to the mentioned Gays, Lesbians, and old people.
Joe Mifsud B.Com (Hons)