I believe the constitution needs to reflect the needs of the Maltese people first and foremost irregardless of wider historic and cultural affiliations with Europe and the English-speaking world. The word limit is not clear so I’ll make bullet points.
History – Maltese history should be taught in all national schools whether private, religious or non-English/Maltese speaking. Such guarantees respect for the country and better social cohesion from children who will one day be adults running the country.
Language – Maltese should be taught in all schools with students expected to be at a reasonable level for graduation. English is also a priority but it is not a rare language with comparatively few speakers.
Architecture – All historic buildings and those over 100 years old should be protected and only altered, removed or destroyed on a national vote. Churches ought to remain protected and designated for specific Catholic/Christian purpose. Any damage should result in original architectural restoration and if at any point a church is deconsecrated it should only be used for social services in line with it’s original social purpose: family day care centers, pregnant women centers, medical center and nursery and pre-school facilities. A priest or Maltese historical architect should be in charge of maintaining the building’s new purpose.
Demographics – Malta is a microstate, a very densely populated one, and needs special insurance againstthe imposition of drastic demographic change being in a region of much larger and more populated nations. All open door immigration to Malta for 6 month to indefinite periods from any nation must be agreed at a national level. Any Prime Minister and government who is elected must sign an agreement before the President and public at the start of their term that they cannot agree to any form of unending immigration unless decided in a national referendum. Malta must not become a Middle -of-the-Sea migrant centre and the indigenous population must not be crowded out of their own, small homeland.
Environment – Malta should not become an island of concrete, glass and steel but continue to be known for its green countrysides and great flora and fauna unique to the island chain. Gozo needs a degree of protection as does the empty land of Comino. The north of Malta should have some forest land.
Housing – Perhaps some measures can be made to ensure that in a low wage and high living expenses nation like Malta young people get a start so cheaper housing is provided for 20-30 year olds or a part government-owned housing scheme is introduced so they don’t have to pay market rent. Malta’s youth are the future and they shouldn’t have to compete with other richer, higher-earning EU, American, Gulf, East-Asian etc people who earn far more and push up rent/purchase expenses on housing.
Religion – As part of the Holy See and with a 2000 year tradition of Christianity and St. Paul’s visit Malta’s constitution needs to recognise the historic Catholic/Christian culture of the nation without apology. Provisions should be made to ensure secular citizens’ lifestyle choices are in accordance’s wth proper civil decency and human rights.